1.丽莎 库赞/Liza.Couzens( Tenison Woods学院/ Tenison Woods 学院副校长):
This was an excellent trip of organization, connection, developed experience and the acquaintance of a wealth of knowledge that we will be taking back to our school. I am truly grated for the opportunity to develop the sister relationship school and the many opportunities to our school communication. Perhaps in the future a little more predepature influence on me, some of the cultural aspects of China and the ladies’outlets would be advisable, the tradition, hotels we live in were great. I especially enjoyed Jinan, the hospitality of the people. The work completed in paradition of the trip and during the trip was exceptional. The particular significance and recognition was the effort put in by Stephanie and Mr.Gui. Thank you very much for this.
From this trip I have grown health personality and in a personal sense. In the past I have avoided Chinese history and Chinese politics at university and country. And this trip has helped me reinforce and grow this knowledge. At school I teach Chinese history, so this will always exist like this.
This trip will be Adelaide-a great help for our Chinese language program and begin an Australian-Chinese culture exchange.
2.苏珊.皮普/Suzanne.Pepe (Tenison Woods学院/Tenison Woods College教学主管):
This trip has exceeded all our expectations. The high level of organization has made this trip a smooth, especially free time. The hospitality has been amazing. The sister school relationship program was excellent. It is amazing to see schools in action first hand. We have so much information to pass onto our schools.
This trip provided many opportunities to “engage with Asia”. The trip allowed Tenison Woods College many opportunities to see and experience in depth the Chinese culture and people. I am as is TWC very grateful for this opportunity. Our school will be enriched by our sister school relationship that will provide experience for the whole school.
There are not enough words to describe the professional of Mr Gui and Stefanie. They were highly organized and nothing was too much trouble. The trip was such a great success because of their organization!It was great to have time saved because we already had our tickets paid for. Stefanie was always so good at giving her time,even on her afternoon off,and both Mr Gui and Stefanie always had a great sense of humor. Mr Gui knowledge contacts were established so quickly. All of his contacts have meant that could establish great connection in China.
We have really,really,really appreciated this opportunity and this has been beyond expect.
这次参观为我们接触亚洲提供了难得的机会,同时也为我们学校进一步了解中国文化和中国百姓提供了完美的机遇。我代表Tenison Woods学院为此表示十分感激。我坚信我们学校的实力将因友好学校合作伙伴的真诚帮助而逐渐增强。
3.约翰.弗朗兹/Jonathan James. Franzin (圣保罗学院/St Paul's College副校长):
The China Study Tour was well planed and organized. The opportunity to visit school and culture sites was a life changing experience. The warm welcome and hospitality provided by the organizer and school was overwhelming. A highlight was the opportunity to speak with our colleagues in china about teaching for education system in general. This broadened my understanding of the education system which was very useful professionally. I was very impressed with the quality of the students and know how communication fully were to their studies. They were a credit to their school and country.
I thank the organizer for their efforts to make this such a comfortable study. China has a long proud of history. I feel glad to be a part of this tour. I am in a much China a sister school relationship in the future. This will nor be the last four for me in China and I look forward to a long relationship with our partner school. Thank again for this opportunity and I look forward to visit China again in the future. 此次中国学习活动计划周详,组织得当。我们这次有机会参观了很多学校和古迹,经历难得足以影响一生。组织者和主办学校的热情、好客让人印象深刻。我认为这次活动最好之处在于我们有机会和中国的同行交流有关中国教学和教育体系的问题。这加深了我对中国现有教育体系的理解。中国的学生素质以及他们与我的友好交谈给我留下了深刻的印象,他们是当代中国和中国大学的名片。非常感谢组织者为我们提供了如此舒适的中国之行。
4.梅尔 舍维兹/Melissa.Scherwitzel(圣保罗学院/St Paul's College教育主管):
I will always remember my time in China. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I could come to this beautiful country. The people are warm and generous,the children are gorgeous. My visit to the schools met all expectations and I was so happy that we were able to interact with the children in the classroom. Their willingness to learn and their enthusiasm to teach us their paper cutting,music,painting etc was refreshing and made me feel so very blessed to be a teacher,when I go back to Australia,I will speak highly of the experience I had at each school here in China,and I will work hard to forge forward with the partnership exchange program.
This trip was extremely well organized. We ate beautiful food and saw some amazing signs. The highlight was 'The Great Wall of China.' Here I was able to stop and reflect,to give thanks for this amazing opportunity,to soak in the beauty that is China. There is nothing I would change as far as this experience is concerned. It is just ashame it had to end so soon. I leave here, a little wiser and definitely richer for this experience. I will take with me a little part of China and hope to return with my colleagues and my family. Thank you for the opportunity,for all the hospitality and for the new friendships gained in China,Ludgero,Glen,Stefanie and Mr Gui have been remarkable and I feel indebted to them.
I see before us,a wonderful opportunity to build a bridge between our schools and I cannot wait to get started.
5.安娜 薇拉妮/Anna. Villani (圣弗朗西斯泽维尔的区域天主教学校/St Francis Xavier's Regional Catholic School 语言教师):
Coming to China on this cultural tour has been a wonderful experience. This trip has taught me many things about this fascinating country. The hospitality of the Chinese people has been overwhelming. The landscape is breathtaking and the culture is enlightening. The schools we visited have given me a cleaver insight into the Educational system in China. It was beautiful to see such happy,well mannered,dedicated students and teachers who clearly were devoted to and proud of their work.
We look forward to working together with Chinese teachers and schools to enrich the education of both students in China and in Australia.
I will remember many beautiful places and many beautiful people especially Mr Gui and Stephanie whose warm, kind,gentle manner has made my stay in china the happiness of visits.