[1]Cui, Y., Zhao, G., & Zhang, D. (2022). Improving students' inquiry learning in web-based environments by providing structure: Does the teacher matter or platform matter?British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(3), 1049-1068.(SSCI,Q1)
[2] Yang, C., Guo, R., &Cui, Y.(2022).What Affects Vocational Teachers’ Acceptance and Use of ICT in Teaching? A Large-scale Survey of Higher Vocational College Teachers in China.Behavioral Sciences,13(1),77.(SSCI, Q2, 通讯作者)
[3] Zhang, D., Jin, B., &Cui, Y.(2022). Do teacher autonomy support and teacher–student relationships influence students' depression? a 3-year longitudinal study. School Mental Health, 14, 110-124.(SSCI, Q2)
[4]Cui, Y., Zhang, D. & Frederick K. S. Leung (2021). The Influence of Parental Educational Involvement in Early Childhood on 4th Grade Students' Mathematics Achievement.Early Education and Development, 32(1), 113-133.(SSCI, Q2)被香港大学学术库转载收录(the HKU Scholars Hub)
[5] Zhang, D., Bobis, J., Wu, X., &Cui, Y.(2020). The effects of an autonomy-supportive teaching intervention on Chinese physics students and their teacher.Research in Science Education, 50, 645-671.(SSCI, Q3)
[6] Hou, Y.,Cui, Y., & Zhang, D. (2019). Impact of instructional leadership on high school student academic achievement in China.Asia Pacific Education Review, 20, 543–558.(SSCI, Q3, 共同第一作者)
[7] Zhang, D.,Cui, Y., Zhou, Y., Cai, M. & Liu, H. (2018). The Role of School Adaption and Self-concept in Influencing Chinese High School Students’ Growth in Math Achievement.Frontiers in Psychology,9, 2356.(SSCI, Q1,共同第一作者)
[8] 程建钢,崔依冉,李梅,韩锡斌 (2022). 高等教育教学数字化转型的核心要素分析——基于学校、专业与课程的视角.中国电化教育, (07):31-36. (CSSCI,通讯作者)
[9]崔依冉,韩锡斌,周潜 (2021). 职业院校防疫期间在线课程教学质量评价的成效、问题及建议.教育与职业, (02): 88 -94. (北大核心)
[10] 韩锡斌,崔依冉,罗杨洋 (2020). 职业院校数字校园的内涵、框架及要求——《职业院校数字校园规范》解读之一.中国职业技术教育, (34):5-9. (北大核心)
[11]崔依冉,梁贯成,张丹慧 (2019).父母早期教育参与对子女未来学业成绩的影响——基于TIMSS2015香港数学与科学数据.学前教育研究, (04):3-15.(CSSCI)
[12] 张丹慧,崔依冉,吴晓璐,王冬梅,赵茜 (2018).自主支持型教学能否促进学生学习投入?——基于学科教学实验的探讨.中小学管理,(05):35-38.(CSSCI扩展版)
[1]Cui, Y., Zhou, Q., & Han, X. (2022).Blended Learning in VET: How does the Teacher Plan to Use and How Appropriate is It?.The 11th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology(EITT),New York, USA (Virtual meeting). (PaperPresented,EI检索)
[2]Cui, Y., Zhang, D. & Ran, T. (2021). What influences teachers’ autonomy support behaviors? An international comparison between the East and West based on the perspective of teacher professional growth.Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), USA (Virtual meeting). (Roundtable Presented)
[3]Cui, Y.,Zhang, D. & Ran, T.(2020).Effects of Structure Support in Web-based Inquiry Learning Science Environment.Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, USA (Virtual meeting). (Roundtable Presented)
[4]Zhang, D. &Cui, Y.(2019).Effects of Autonomy and Structure Support in Web-based Inquiry Learning Environment.Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada. (Poster Presented)
[5]Cui, Y.& Zhang, D. (2018).Effects of parental earlier educational involvement on students’ math achievement at 4th grade: An international comparison between Hong Kong and Singapore.Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, USA. (PaperPresented)
[6]崔依冉(2019). 基于教师专业成长视角探析教师自主支持行为的影响机制——基于东西方文化的比较研究.第四届中国基础教育质量监测与评价学术年会博士生论坛, 重庆.(口头报告)
[7]崔依冉,王晓静,和静雯,张丹慧(2018). 学生自由表达机会在网络探究学习平台中的实证研究——以 WISE 平台为例.第二十二届全球华人计算机教育应用大会(GCCCE2018), 广州.(口头报告)
[8]Cui, Y.& Zhang, D. (2017). 父母早期教育投入对子女未来数学科学成绩的影响机制研究.WERA Focal Meeting & HKERA International Conference 2017, Hong Kong, China. (PaperPresented)
[1] Han, X.,Cui, Y., Wang, W., Wang, S., Feng, X. (2023). Implementation of Blended Learning at the Course Level. In: Li, M., Han, X., Cheng, J. (eds) Handbook of Educational Reform Through Blended Learning (pp. 45-123). Springer, Singapore.
[1] 2023年至今:2023年国家社会科学基金教育学重大课题“数字教育形态研究”;
[2] 2022年至今:全国教育科学“十四五”规划2022年国家一般课题“数字化转型视角下中西部高校教学系统性变革研究”;
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[4] 2021年至今:全国教育科学“十四五”规划2021年国家青年课题“职业院校‘理实一体化’混合教学模式研究”;
[5] 2019年-2023年:教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目“自主支持型教学环境对学生学业成绩的影响机制研究:自我决定理论的视角”;
[6] 2019年-2021年:全国教育科学“十三五”规划2018年国家一般课题“混合教学的理论体系建构及实证研究”,获批优秀结项;
[7] 2020年:教育部科技司委托课题“新冠肺炎疫情防控期间职业教育领域在线教育应用专题研究”;
[8] 2020年:国家社科基金2020年度教育学重点委托课题“国家‘十四五’时期教育信息技术学科发展研究”;
[9] 2020年:教育部科技司委托课题“信息时代职业教育信息化发展体系与教学模式创新研究”。
[1] 期刊文章审稿人:Cambridge Journal of Education (SSCI),BMC Psychology (SSCI);[2]会议文章审稿人:美国教育研究协会 (the American Educational Research Association, AERA)2022年、2023年学术年会。